After landing yesterday evening, I took some time to admire Orion ✨ for a few minutes.
As of this morning, you’re looking at the youngest woman with a Vision Jet type rating!!
Photo taken right after earning my Instrument rating in this beautiful SR20.
I own an artisanal bakery in Santa Fe, NM, & like most businesses, we’ve been dealing with our share of supply shortages. We use a special butter for all our pastries. Our local vendor had been running low, and we were down to our last 10 lbs. but were promised a delivery on Friday. Alas when the delivery arrived at noon, it had not a single pound of butter.
No one else in New Mexico carries this butter, but there is a supplier in Denver. They had it in stock, but their warehouse would close for the weekend at 5:00, and Denver is a 6 hour drive away. So, I grabbed my flight bag, drove to KSAF, jumped in my SR22T, flew to KAPA, grabbed a crew car, battled Denver traffic, arrived at the warehouse at 4:30, drove back to KAPA, loaded the special cargo and flew back to KSAF.
I am so pleased to announce that we will have no interruption in our production of croissants or any other pastries.
My son Mavric on his first light aircraft flight for his 3rd birthday. We chose a Cirrus for our family for its safety and comfort.
Mary loves to fly in the back seat of her Dad’s Cirrus.
The only way for a good dog to travel.
Roger the Dog
Beach trip 2020 in the Vision Jet.
Shine bright like a Cirrus.
Flying in the SR20.
Awesome IFR flight over Ft. Lauderdale!
This little one was bitten by the “airplane bug”!
Low light and high speed.
Basking in the golden hour.
Can anyone unseat this top seller?
The G6 SR20 is just the right amount of everything.
Cirrus Ambassador Mike Goulian hot off the tarmac.